Fire Safety Services

Fire Protection Services

Fire Safety Audits

fantek Private Limited Offers Fire Safety Audit is a systematic assessment of your building or facility to evaluate fire safety measures and preparedness. Our primary objective is to identify potential fire hazards, assess the effectiveness of existing fire protection systems and procedures, and recommend improvements to enhance fire safety. Our service includes the following:


Documentation Review

Fire Safety Plans:

Reviewing existing fire safety plans, evacuation procedures, and emergency response protocols.

Building Plans:

Examining building layouts, floor plans, and fire protection system drawings.

Emergency Preparedness

Response Procedures

Reviewing procedures for notifying emergency services, coordinating evacuation, and managing fire incidents.

Mock Drills

Observing or conducting mock fire drills to assess response times, effectiveness of evacuation procedures, and staff readiness.

Testing and Maintenance

Operational Checks:

Testing fire alarm systems, sprinklers, extinguishers, and emergency lighting to ensure they function correctly.

Maintenance Records:

Reviewing maintenance logs and records to verify that fire safety equipment is regularly inspected, serviced, and maintained.

Staff Training and Awareness

Training Programs:

Evaluating the effectiveness of fire safety training for employees, including fire drills and evacuation exercises.

Awareness Programs:

Assessing communication of fire safety information, emergency contact procedures, and reporting protocols.

Physical Inspection

Fire Hazards:

Identifying potential fire hazards such as flammable materials, storage practices, and ignition sources.

Fire Protection System:

Inspecting fire detection systems (smoke detectors, heat detectors), fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, and emergency lighting.

Escape Routes:

Assessing the accessibility, clarity, and adequacy of escape routes, exits, stairways, and evacuation signage.

Compliance Assessments

Regulatory Requirements:

Ensuring compliance with local fire safety regulations, codes, and standards applicable to the facility.

Report and Recommendations


Documenting audit findings, including identified deficiencies, areas of non-compliance, and recommendations for corrective actions.


Prioritizing recommendations based on risk assessment and urgency of implementation.

Improvement Plan:

Developing an action plan with timelines for addressing deficiencies and improving overall fire safety measures.

Hazardous Area Classification Studies (HACS)

At fantek Private Limited, we offer Hazardous Area Classification Study (HACS) as a systematic assessment of your facility or industrial environment to identify and classify areas where flammable gases, vapors, liquids, combustible dusts, or fibers may pose a risk of ignition and explosion. Our study helps you ensuring safety and compliance with regulations in hazardous environments. Our HACS services include:

Identification of Material Properties

Flammable Substances:

Identifying the types and properties of flammable gases, vapors, liquids, combustible dusts, or fibers present or likely to be present in the environment.

Ignition Properties:

Assessing the potential for ignition sources based on the ignition temperature, flash point, and explosive limits of flammable substances.

Area Classification(s)

Zoning: Dividing the facility into zones based on the frequency and duration of the presence of flammable substances:

Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2:

For gases, vapors, or mists.

Zone 20, Zone 21, and Zone 22:

For combustible dusts.

Boundary Definition: Establishing the boundaries of hazardous zones to indicate where precautions are necessary to prevent ignition sources.

Risk Assessment

Probability and Consequence:

Evaluating the likelihood of a flammable atmosphere occurring and the potential consequences of an explosion.

Safety Measures:

Recommending appropriate measures to minimize the risk, such as ventilation, containment, and use of explosion-proof equipment.

Documentation and Reporting

Classification Drawings:

Creating drawings and documents that illustrate the zoned areas and provide guidance for safe practices and equipment selection.

Hazardous Area Dossier:

Compiling a comprehensive report that includes findings, classifications, and recommendations for compliance and safety improvements.

Review and Verification

Periodic Review:

Updating the Hazardous Area Classification Study periodically or when there are changes in the facility layout, processes, or hazardous substances.

Audit and Inspection:

Conducting audits and inspections to verify compliance with the study recommendations and regulatory requirements.

Portable Fire Extinguisher Inspection

fantek Private Limited’s experts can conduct the inspection of Portable fire extinguisher as per guidelines set forth in NFPA standard for your fire safety management. Our inspection is aimed at ensuring that fire extinguishers are in proper working condition and ready for immediate use in case of a fire emergency.

Fire Detection, Alarm & Fighting System Inspection

fantek Private Limited’s inspection of a fire detection & fighting system is a critical process aimed at verifying the functionality, reliability, and compliance of your system with NFPA standards. It ensures that the system is capable of detecting fires promptly, alert occupants to evacuate safely & work smoothly to protect loss of your building, assets & lives. Our studies also include the voltage drop calculations to verify each actuation device will function properly in case of any mishap.